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About Me

 My name is Richard Cairns and I am an experienced genealogist and researcher. 

 Like most researchers I didn't set out to make a business out of genealogy.  I started working on my own Family tree in 1975

 and succeeded in tracing my ancestry to the four parts of the globe. I have English, Irish, Scottish and French bloodlines in my  

 ancestry. I also have ancestors who lived in the USA, Australia, India and Singapore .  Some of my predecesors distinguished

 themselves in literary works, some were connected to English, Irish and Scottish Royalty, some served in the military and others  

 served as ministers of souls.  The vast majority, however, were regular unsung heroes, the type that worked as labourers, servants  

 and housewives, often  supporting  large families with little financial resources and struggling most of their lives for survival. 


 In the course of years I have become acquainted with most of the available record types that exist, though I am not an expert in  

 medieval studies.  Fortunately, today many records are available online and can be researched with some effort from the comfort

 of  home. I have learned the vital importance of accuracy in record keeping. Perseverance is another quality developed over the

 years.  Ancestral research is very much a question of doing detective work and requires skill in following leads, substantiating

 evidences  and obtaining corroborating proof that connects people and families from one generation to another. Such skills come

 only with long  years of experience, with patient pursuance and determination.  For me, ancestral research is not a mere hobby,

 but rather a  consuming  passion. I am fortunate to be able to work with professionals as well as regular amateur genealogists.

 I am happy to offer my services to those who for whatever reason wish to find out about their forefathers and their families.

 My rates are  reasonable and I undertake to provide supporting documents or index copies that reveal the source information for

 all persons  researched so that my research can easily be verified.

Pedigree Charts

While detailed reports are wanted by those wishing to have comprehensive

information about their ancestors, Pedigree charts are often equally as beneficial where there is little biographical information available. These may include all the basic information linking families and generations together - ask  more about this service if this could be of interest to you.

Family Histories

Among the many details to be found in existing records are occupations, military careers and awards, scholarly achievements and in some cases lengthy biographies. All of these are included in the layout of Family  Histories which are made in chronological order showing the order of descendancy and heirs of each generation together with such information as is known about them.

Beneficiary Searches
From time to time someone dies intestate and it becomes necessary to find heirs to an existing estate. This often necessitates tracing back in time earlier generations to find living heirs who would be eligible to inherit. I conduct beneficiary searches for this purpose 

Trails of the Past is pleased to provide the following additional services:

Basic beginnings in Family History research

Not everyone may wish to employ a genealogist to undertake their research. I therefore provide a service offering basic guidance on where to start and how to trace back one generation at a time.

 Philippines Research

Living in the Philippines gives me the advantage of being able to access local records of special interest to many of the 8 million Filipino OFWs who seek to learn of their ancestors. There are no centralized national registers but there are many records in local record depositories and more than 29 million images of Parish registers often containing much information about their inhabitants. Contact me for more information.

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